داستان آبیدیک

anterior spinal artery


1 عمومی:: شریان نخاعی قدامی

3- 2 The anterior spinal artery (Fig. 10) extends down the spinal cord, supplying the anterior two-thirds of the cord. What sensory modalities might you expect to be preserved following infarction of the anterior spinal artery at spinal cord levels? Left pyramid, plus left hypoglossal nerve plus left medial lemniscus, as might occur in an occlusion of a branch of the anterior spinal artery (Fig. 41B). This means that the anterior spinal artery, vertebral artery and posterior inferior cerebellar artery all run over the medulla for part of their courses. All three of these vessels give off branches to the medulla, the anterior spinal artery being most medial, supplying the area noted in the above lesion.

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